Moroccan Arabic

Oral Proficiency Assessment

Assess your ability to use language effectively and appropriately in real-life situations

Crossroads Cultural Exchange offers an Oral Proficiency Assessment in Moroccan Arabic (Darija). The OPA is a valid and reliable means of assessing how well a person speaks a language. It evaluates the ability to use language effectively and appropriately in real-life situations.

The OPA is a 20-30 minute one-on-one interview between a tester and an examinee. It is interactive and speaker-centered, which means that each OPA is a unique experience in which spontaneous unrehearsed language is assessed. The tester will adjust their approach to the OPI based on the evidence of proficiency they are able to identify in the test taker’s performance.

This general assessment is designed to determine the level of a language learner who has been studying Moroccan Arabic for some time. This is not the first assessment to be given to a new language learner; instead, it is a broad test designed to pinpoint the level of knowledge a language learner has achieved. The OPA will assess the participant’s extemporaneity, accent, length of thoughts and sentences, variety of speech, complexity of language, effectiveness of expression, fluency, comprehension, and accuracy. A full written report of these elements is provided to the examinee.

Man sits at a laptop wearing headphones

The Oral Proficiency Assessment in Moroccan Arabic is available in-person at our center in Fes or online. The price for the assessment and full report is MAD 500.