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Please reach out to us to schedule language study or cultural experiences.
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+212 663-363004

Visit our Center in Fes.

  • You can see our rates for individual and group classes here. For our Curious and Serious Explorer courses for visitors in Morocco, see this page.

  • Moroccan Arabic is the local, colloquial dialect of Arabic used in Morocco. If you plan to live in Morocco, this is the language that will be most useful, along with French.

    Modern Standard Arabic is the standardized, literary Arabic that is used in media, politics, and all official communication.

    Tamazight is the Berber language spoken in the Middle Atlas region of Morocco.

    All these languages have their usefulness in specific contexts, and to determine which language you will study, you have to identify your purpose for learning a language.

  • See our FAQs here, or contact us using the form on this page. You also may find the information you are looking for in the articles on our blog.