Build understanding and appreciation of Moroccan culture.
The Bridge Builder Program
Our motto is “Build bridges—not walls.” And we know that as we learn and adjust to a new place, we sometimes inadvertently put up walls, even when we don’t mean to, simply because we don’t understand something in the culture. Have you moved to Morocco, and need a safe space to process your culture shock and confusing experiences? The Bridge Builder Program is for you.
Arriving and settling into a new culture for any length of time can bring frustration when you don't know the language or customs. And not knowing where to eat or even where to find necessary items can bring overload. As part of this program, we will help you with the major aspects of your new life (finding lodging, setting up a bank account, applying for residency, etc.), and the everyday adjustments (knowing where to buy vegetables, how to rent a party dress, where to buy household furnishings, and even recommendations for good restaurants). In addition, we will also explore various aspects of Moroccan culture and seek greater understanding and appreciation of this country.
The program includes
Help to settle in Morocco.
Regular meetings with cultural consultants and a cohort of other ex-pats learning to navigate Moroccan culture in order to discuss cultural experiences, culture shock, and methods for navigating cultural pitfalls.